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1)A server is both a running instance of some software that is capable of accepting requests from clients, and the computer that executes such software. Its different becuase computers take information from servers.

2) The tags for HTML tables are a and tr

3)The IFRAME element allows web authors to insert a frame within a block of text.

4)The a tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another.

5)The tr tag defines a row in an HTML table

Famous Monsters by Birth Year
Famous Monster Birth Year
King Kong 1933
Dracula 1897
Bride of Frankenstein 1944
Famous Monsters by Birth Year
Famous Monster Birth Year
King Kong 1933
Dracula 1897
Bride of Frankenstein 1944
Lenny 1914
Mike 1999

List of things I find just Average
  1. Ryan Leamy
  2. Campo Sports
  3. School

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